Osechies tale

How to ride "One-man unten"

Aoimori Railway connects between Aomori-station to Metoki-station paralleled with Tohoku-Shinkansen in Aomori, Japan. There are some unstaffed train stations to reduce cost. A train is operated by "One-man unten /unten/" with care. "One-man unten" means to operate train by a driver without a conductor.

How to ride and get off

Ride on

At first, normally train doors are closed at unstaffed station. You need to press the open button to open door. When you ride on through the door, you have to take a numbered ticket from orange box near by the door. You must keep it until you get off the train.You ride on from head car.

openThe open button.

Get off

You put paid ticket or fare with a numbered ticket into fare box at the head of the car at unstaffed stations. You get off from head door. You can get off any door at staffed station.

You should close door for other passenger by the close button close.

Information guidance

You can hear guidance information for next station and etc. However, the guidance may speak in Japanese. You can get the guide from the information board at head car.

information board The information board is attached at side of the driver box in head car.


Aomori is a northern area in Japan. There are nice places in Aomori, Asamushi-Onsen spa, Misawa and Hachinohe in along the railway line.